People, Process, Technology and Performance Metrics
Maximum financial achievement is only accomplished with a mindful balance of people, processes and technologies. A key element for addressing a throng of industry trends is making sure your revenue cycle management process is perfect. The present-day patient-centric revenue cycle demands the appropriate systems to drive performance; however, employing systems based on their strength does not guarantee success.
Phil C. Solomon
- Publisher of Revenue Cycle News and vice president of Global Services for MiraMed
- 25 years of experience consulting on numerous financial and revenue cycle engagements across various health care market segments; has designed and developed executable strategies for outsourcing initiatives for clinical and revenue cycle financial performance improvement, revenue enhancement and expense reduction for a broad range of hospitals, health systems and multi-specialty physician groups
- Numerous educational webinars and speaking engagements such as Healthcare Financial Management Association, MiraMed Learning Institute, National Association of Healthcare Access Management (HFMA) and American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM)
- Featured writer for Revenue Cycle News, The Focus, BMH Healthcare Blog, Blog-Dash, Healthcare Financial Management Association publications and Ezine Article Publications
- Member HFMA, American Collectors Association and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Graduate, San Diego State University
- Can be contacted at 404-849-8065, [email protected], [email protected] and Twitter @philcsolomon

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