•The Despair of Ineffective Communication
•Resolving Conflicts and Removing Barriers
•The Most Common Mistakes
•The Write Way to Handle Email and Written
•Top 10 Ways to Improve Your
•Communication Skills
Tamala Huntley
Tamala Huntley International
Tamala M. Huntley
- CEO and founder of Tamala Huntley International, a premier marketing and information publishing company
- Creator of ChurchSecretaryEssentials.com, a unique community dedicated to teaching church secretaries and assistants how to master church office administration by getting organized, reducing office clutter and producing more while stressing less
- Wrote several publications and specialized video/audio resources on administrative organization and time management, including “The Time Mastery Report: 15 Quick Actions You Can Do TODAY to Demolish Overwhelm, Eliminate Disorganization and Stop Being Scattered”
- Extensive background in nonprofit administration, entrepreneurship, small business marketing, online business management and event logistics
- Recognized by clients and colleagues for astute attention to details, relentless work ethic and passionate pursuit of excellence
- B.S. degree in electrical engineering
- Can be contacted at 281-836-3093, [email protected] or www.tamalahuntley.info

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