Often, more is caught than taught. This simply means, you’ll learn more by just being present.
There are a few things you can do to assess the style of each of your managers and flow smoothly with each of them.
In this report you will learn about:
• Assessing Working Styles
• Negotiating Conflicting Schedules & Priorities
• Staying in Sync with Your Bosses
• Gatekeeping Strategies
Tamala Huntley
Tamala Huntley International
Tamala M. Huntley
- CEO and founder of Tamala Huntley International, a premier marketing and information publishing company
- Creator of ChurchSecretaryEssentials.com, a unique community dedicated to teaching church secretaries and assistants how to master church office administration by getting organized, reducing office clutter and producing more while stressing less
- Wrote several publications and specialized video/audio resources on administrative organization and time management, including “The Time Mastery Report: 15 Quick Actions You Can Do TODAY to Demolish Overwhelm, Eliminate Disorganization and Stop Being Scattered”
- Extensive background in nonprofit administration, entrepreneurship, small business marketing, online business management and event logistics
- Recognized by clients and colleagues for astute attention to details, relentless work ethic and passionate pursuit of excellence
- B.S. degree in electrical engineering
- Can be contacted at 281-836-3093, [email protected] or www.tamalahuntley.info

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