In past times, these members of America's elite could hide behind an army of attorneys immune to consequences, exempt from punishment and smugly acting "above the law". When legendary attorney, Gloria Allred, entered the fray the rules changed and now lawsuits over sexual harassment appear to be proliferating.
The victims in these cases are often young women who are both defenseless and overmatched by the power, wealth and position of their alleged attackers. Evidence in these cases is often opaque since these "crimes" may only be known to the two people involved with no other witnesses. The women complain about being assaulted. The men often standard response was that the "interaction was consensual" hiding behind this defense while simultaneously attacking the women's history, motives and credibility.”
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Our author, Gary S. Wolfe, has more than 34 years of experience, specializing in IRS Tax Audits and International Tax Planning/Tax Compliance, and International Asset Protection.
Gary S. Wolfe
The Wolfe Law Group
Our author, Gary S. Wolfe, has more than 34 years of experience, specializing in IRS Tax Audits and International Tax Planning/Tax Compliance, and International Asset Protection.

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