Review the scope of the problem.
There is no employment law that requires people to be polite or kind. There is no general civility code for the American workplace. Swearing is a difficult problem to grasp let alone attempt to defeat. The potential negative effects of swearing at work are well-known, yet usually go unaddressed. There is considerable subjectivity surrounding swearing often based on the particular work environment, cultural norms, and industry. In some workplaces, swearing is not only tolerated, but encouraged, as part of the organization’s culture. This white paper reviews the question – is profanity a problem? and discusses profanity, the first amendment and public sector workplaces.

Charles T. Passaglia, Esq.
Employment Law Solutions, Inc.
- Founder of Employment Law Solutions, Inc.
- Practice emphasizes advice and counsel in all aspects of employment law and workplace investigations
- Conducts over 100 entertaining seminars and workshops each year on compliance topics
- Author of Can I Bring my Pet Monkey to Work? Answers to 45 of the Wildest Workplace Law Questions (Fall 2020)
- Captain (Retired), United States Navy Reserve, and expert on all manner of swearing
- J.D. degree, University of Denver; B.A. degree, Philosophy, Saint Louis University
- Can be contacted at 303-915-6334, [email protected] or on Twitter® @hrdevil

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