One city is leading its state in renewable energy production.
When it came to implementing alternative energy and community-scale solar farms, the town of Dartmouth gave support from the beginning and is now the solar forerunner in Massachusetts, while creating twice as much solar energy than Boston does. This white paper discusses how Dartmouth set a goal for renewable energy and achieved it.

Megan Day, AICP
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Project leader, renewable energy planner at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, leading research, analysis, and technical assistance on local energy planning and policy and utility-scale photovoltaic development
- Author of multiple studies, technical reports, and articles on city energy planning, community data analysis, renewable energy deployment
- National technical solar advisory through the SolSmart program, working with dozens of communities across the country to integrate solar land uses in zoning codes
- Part of NREL’s InSPIRE research, examining synergies between solar farm development, agriculture, and natural systems to document low-impact solar development designs
- Extensive solar development experience, including overseeing regulatory compliance and land entitlement staff and processes for more than 600 acres and 110 megawatts of PV plant installations across the U.S.
- State and national trainings and webinars on solar zoning best practices, including national SolSmart webinars, APA National Planning Conference, State APA conferences, Smart Growth Network, U.S. DOE and NREL sponsored webinars
- M.A. degree in urban and regional planning, University of Colorado

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