Review an angle from which to examine potential pre-employment screening by use of social media.
What if a prospective employer performs an internet search engine review of a prospective job applicant and finds apparent information indicating the applicant has possibly committed criminal conduct or undertakes activities generally viewed in an unfavorable manner by the majority of the public? Should the prospective employer check to verify if the information found on a website concerns the same individual who is the pending job applicant? What investigation, if any, should the employer conduct upon apparently obtaining such information? This white paper reviews the answer to these types of questions and discusses possible options for handling job application postings on social media sites.

Ambrose V. McCall
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
- Partner of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
- Represents a number of employers regarding employer monitoring and privacy issues and related claims by employees before courts and governmental agencies
- Advises clients on a range of employment issues, including state and federal regulatory laws, compliance, handbooks, and employee programs
- Defends clients against claims of employment discrimination, retaliation, wrongful discharge, wage and hour, and civil rights
- Represents a number of clients in commercial litigation, including breach of contract, real estate, and construction claims
- Clients include a wide variety of insurers, professionals, and business firms throughout Illinois
- J.D. degree, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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