A. Laborers and Mechanics
B. Supervisor/Foreman Exception
C. Independent Contractor Exception
D. Truck/Delivery Drivers
II. Project Labor Agreements
A. What is a Project Labor Agreement?
B. Common PLA Terms
C. Are Project Labor Agreements Enforceable?
D. Interaction of PLAs and Prevailing Wage Law
E. Pros and Cons of PLAs for Contractors
F. Tips for Dealing with PLAs

Rebecca J. Bennett
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
- Shareholder with Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
- Practices in labor and employment, litigation and counseling, including claims involving employment discrimination under federal and state law
- Frequent lecturer on labor and employment law topics
- Member of numerous professional and civic organizations
- J.D. degree, magna cum laude, Cleveland Marshall College of Law; B.A. degree, summa cum laude with distinction, Ohio State University
- Can be contacted at 216-274-6903 or [email protected]

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