Workers’ Compensation Liens and HIPAA Compliant Medical Authorizations
Be aware of what you need to do to satisfy those procedures or requirements. Do you know by what method you need to identify and track workers’ compensation liens in a personal injury case? And while HIPAA compliant medical authorizations may seem like an odd topic when discussing liens, chances are if you are dealing with liens you are dealing with medical records. This white paper will provide you with a working knowledge of the steps that you will need to take when dealing with workers’ compensation liens and the importance of having HIPAA compliant medical authorizations at the ready.

Elaine Jensen
Axley Brynelson, LLP
- Senior paralegal at Axley Brynelson, LLP
- More than 25 years of experience as a paralegal
- Focuses on litigation and personal injury law in both defense and plantiffs’ work
- Primary responsibility for identifying, tracking and assisting in the resolution of the various subrogation/medical liens in each case
- Frequent speaker and has written numerous publications
- Routinely mentors paralegal interns

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