Do you look like you sound? Use excellent telephone skills to paint the picture you want others to see.
Most of us draw mental portraits of our customers or prospects on the telephone, often establishing long-term working relationships without ever meeting face-to-face. When we finally do meet, we're usually surprised their image doesn't match the portrait we painted of them. It seems we're quick to visualize the person on the other end of the telephone, never realizing they're visualizing us as well. Learn tips to create a self-portrait everyone will remember with pleasure and won't be surprised to see.
Jeannie Davis is president of Now Hear This, Inc., a Colorado-based communications training company specializing in professional telephone skills workshops, seminars and keynote presentations. An expert in the field of telephone communication, she is the award-winning author of Beyond "Hello:" A Practical Guide for Excellent Telephone Communication and Quality Customer Service. Davis has worked with many Fortune 500 companies and trained thousands of people to maximize the profit- and image-building power of their #1 business communication tool. You can reach Jeannie at 1-800-784-5525 or visit online at

Jeannie Davis
Now Hear This, Inc.
- President, Now Hear This, Inc.
- More than 26 years helping people enhance interpersonal communication skills and improve telephone communication through keynote presentations, workshops, and seminars throughout the U.S.
- Lorman Education Services recognizes Jeannie as a Platinum Distinguished Faculty member since 2012
- Award-winning author of Beyond Hello: A Practical Guide For Excellent Telephone Communication and Quality Customer Service and contributing author in Real World Customer Service Strategies That Work
- Writer of numerous published articles and respected national authority on telephone communication for exceptional customer service
- 26-year professional member of the National Speakers Association (NSA); past president of the International Customer Service Association Colorado Chapter (ICSA)
- Creator of 4-pack audio CD learning series comprised of most requested keynote presentations
- Clients include Fortune 500 corporations and national association meeting planners
- Can be contacted at 303-337-1991or [email protected]

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