Mixed results on ballot initiatives to increase renewable energy mandates.
Recent midterm elections results left electric power industry issues feeling impacts at both the state and federal level. Renewable energy mandates and carbon tax rejections were an issue with these elections. Democrats recaptured the house which puts PURPA reform in doubt, as house climate solutions caucus loses Republican members. This white paper reviews the different results and impacts from the recent elections.
Matt Derstine
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
Matt Derstine counsels and represents clients in the electric power industry on a wide range of matters, including project development, litigation, asset sales and bankruptcy matters. He has extensive experience in siting and permitting generation and transmission projects under state and federal statutory and regulatory requirements. Matt also represents clients in complex litigation and disputes arising from the generation, purchase and sale of electricity, including power plant operations and outages, coal supply, plant and product warranties, and power purchase agreements. He advises clients in connection with asset sales involving fossil and renewable generation assets and also regularly provides advice and representation to energy clients with interests at risk in bankruptcy.

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