What are nature’s rules and how do they impact the built structures and places we’ve created?

Jacob Blue
Ayres Associates
- Ayres Associates
- Led and participated in ecologically-based public and private design projects around the world
- Work has focused on designing landscapes that maximize ecosystem services for human health and well-being as well as site operation and function
- Classically trained as a landscape architect and ecologist, Jacob looks at projects from a design and science perspective
- This holistic perspective led to a practical understanding of how nature works and how the built environment can be modeled from nature to maximize landscape functions. His work often centers on resolving the conflicts resulting from the function of nature and human development desires. He is a coauthor of the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES), as well as the Sustainable Sites Handbook, and served as a USGBC subject matter expert for the development of a SITES AP test
- Work has included collaboration with the U.S. Botanical Gardens, U.S. Green Business Council, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, the Nelson Institute, the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Nature Conservancy, the Chilean government, and many academic and educational institutions
- M.S. degree, landscape architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison; B.L.A. degree, landscape architecture, Pennsylvania State University-State College,
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 608-441-1200

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