Lifting Response and Boosting Profits
Instagram is more than just a tool to be social with your friends or to share creative photos. Think of it as a mighty, far-reaching catalog that has the ability to influence a vast amount prospects who are likely to respond to your offer. This white paper reviews seven key insights to help you create a campaign to reinforce your offer and boost response.

Craig Huey
Creative Direct Marketing Group, Inc.
- CEO and Founder of Creative Direct Marketing Group
- Craig has turned numerous small companies into multi-million-dollar companies, wrote the book on multichannel marketing, mailed over a billion direct mail pieces, and tested over 10,000 digital variables.
- Winner of 111 Marketing Awards
- The top digital and direct response marketers in the U.S., Mr. Huey is also the publisher of Direct Marketing Update
- [email protected] / 615-490-8832

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