Make sure you have strategies in place to minimize risk.
Workplace health and safety laws require employers to follow the duty of care, but health and safety statutes are vague when an employee suffers an illness or injury while traveling or on assignment outside the home country. This white paper reviews practical strategies for minimizing exposure to the potential personal injury claims of U.S.-based business travelers and assignees who suffer illnesses or injuries while on an international trip or assignment.

Donald C. Dowling, Jr.
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Shareholder at Littler Mendelson, P.C., resident in the New York City office
- Littler is the world’s largest law firm dedicated to representing employers in all aspects of employment and labor law
- Has an international legal practice devoted to cross-border employment strategy and international employment projects
- Advises clients, every day, on overseas employment matters affecting multinationals, including global HR policies and codes of conduct
- Has spoken and taught widely on international codes of conduct and other cross-border employment law issues
- Has published hundreds of articles on cross-border employment law issues, including in international law reviews of Cornell and Northwestern Universities
- Former chair of international employment law committees of the International Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the New York State, Chicago, and Cincinnati bar associations
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 212-471-4488

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