There’s no “Yelp®” for experts.
Witnesses can be great and witnesses can be not so great. When faced with the latter there isn’t a useful plan in place for clients to share their stories of experiences with witnesses. The witnesses that can cause a problem for one client will likely cause problems for all. This white paper reviews why you can’t afford a bad expert witness and how to weed out the bad ones.

Merrie Jo Pitera, Ph.D.
Litigation Insights, Inc
- CEO/senior research director, Litigation Insights, Inc., a jury research, visual communications company
- A psychology and communications expert who has more than 28 years of experience in the field
- Practice areas include intellectual property, employment, commercial, environmental and product liability/personal injury litigation
- Has accompanied dozens of trial teams to trial
- Frequent national and international speaker on jury behavior, witness prep methods, and jury selection.
- In addition to publishing articles in a variety of law journals on jury selection and trial preparation, she has authored many white papers re the communication skills for the testifying expert and/or corporate witness; co-author of a book entitled: Storytelling for the Defense: The Defense Attorney’s Courtroom Guide to Beating Plaintiffs at their Own Game
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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