If the three letters and period spell “Inc.”, they can make all the difference in the world!
We’ve all heard the quote about not sweating the small stuff; however when dealing with legal documents, the small stuff can easily make or break either or both parties. Particularly when dealing with a vendor that decides to file for bankruptcy and suddenly the small stuff could sink you. This white paper reviews how three letters cost one company more than $300,000 and what you can do to avoid finding yourself in the same position.

Michael R. King
Gammage & Burnham, PLC
- Founding member of Gammage & Burnham, PLC
- Practice emphasizes creditors’ rights and construction issues, and also includes consulting and supervising throughout the firm’s areas of business
- Includes emphasis on creditors’ rights, bankruptcy cases, general litigation, loan documentation, workouts, foreclosures and forcible detainers, as well as deficiency collection and accounts collection
- Client list includes banks, mortgage companies, distributors in various industries and leasing companies
- Former director of the Arizona Chapter of the National Association of Credit Managers (NACM)
- Named Best Lawyer in the areas of bankruptcy and creditor debtor rights for the last 10 years by Best Lawyers in America
- Ranked as a Super Lawyer by Super Lawyers
- Ranked as one of Arizona’s Finest Lawyers by Arizona’s Finest Lawyers Foundation
- Can be contacted at https://www.gblaw.com/professional/michael-r-king/

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