A new year usually brings new change. 2017 is no exception.
New laws and regulations are in store for employers, as well as a long list of possible changes with the new administration which could directly affect businesses and their workforces. Read on for details on some of the more material changes in federal and state law for employers this year.
Sheryl Jafee Halpern
Much Shelist Freed Denenberg
Sheryl Jaffee Halpern is the chair of Much Shelist, P.C.'s Labor & Employment group. Sheryl helps employers make important decisions about their employees in a way that is designed to minimize risk. She counsels employers on a wide range of employment matters, providing clear and direct guidance that promotes legal compliance, while remaining cognizant of the practical workplace realities her clients face. With a focus on being responsive, accurate, and thorough, Sheryl provides legal advice designed to help her clients maintain peace in the workplace so they can focus on their business — rather than litigation.

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