How have these laws been enforced?
Arm yourself with the information needed to protect your nonprofit when utilizing cause marketing. Starting with an understanding of enforcement of laws surrounding cause marketing. Misrepresentation is the primary target in most states, i.e., false ads where funds do not in fact go to charity. This practical white paper will review how state and federal authorities have focused on a number of promotional campaigns that may have suggested a greater sponsorship or endorsement by the charity of the manufacturer than in fact was warranted and discusses ways to make compliance unnecessary.

Ed Chansky
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
- Shareholder with Greenberg Traurig, LLP
- Practices in the areas of intellectual property (particularly development, selection, protection and licensing of trademarks worldwide) and advertising, sales promotion, and trade-regulation law, including charitable promotions, cause-related marketing, sweepstakes, contests, gift cards, eCommerce, substantiation of advertising claims, social gaming, social media, and all aspects of unfair or deceptive trade practices in a wide variety of industries
- Co-chair, Brand Activation Association National Marketing Law Conference, 2013
- Cause Marketing Forum Legal Instructor for many years
- Former chair, Connecticut Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section
- Listed, Managing IP magazine, World IP Handbook and Survey, "IP Stars," 2013-2014
- Listed, VEGAS INC, "Top Lawyers," Business and Intellectual Property, 2012 and 2013
- Achieved the highest rating in the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Harvard Law School; B.A. degree, summa cum laude, Yale University

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