Here’s 10 simple but yet practical ways to boost your productivity:
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Chris Ruisi is the owner and CEO of The Coach’s Zone. He is a nationally recognized executive coach and leadership expert, professional speaker, former global talk radio show host and author who challenges individuals and business leaders to step up and play big. Drawing on his 35+ years as a senior level executive (president & COO/CEO) on the corporate front lines, Mr. Ruisi helps his clients discover how to discover and use the full measure of their capabilities in such areas like personal excellence, productivity, business growth, leadership and many more. He has extensive experience in “getting the job done” in areas impacting his client’s success; and he is an accomplished public speaker providing his audiences with direction and motivation on what is needed to accomplish whatever you set your sights on.

Chris Ruisi
The Coach's Zone
- Senior HR Officer – created all HR policies and procedures to ensure the consistent and equitable treatment of all employees while not conflicting with company operational goals
- Created the first corporate and subsidiary HR function nationwide for a $3 Billion NYSE listed company with 5000 employees
- President and COO of a $3 Billion company with overall responsibility for company-wide productivity; operations and support
- Primary responsibility always addressed achieving corporate revenue and growth targets via the maximum use of all people resources. This also involved making sure that all of their “people” policies – vacation and time off - supported the overall welfare of their team members
- Has more than 35 years’ experience as a leader responsible for various teams – developed and implemented those programs that struck the right balance between productivity and time-off
- Loves taking time off each year without any negativity on his or his teams well-being – personally and professionally
- As an executive coach, he works with many entrepreneurs who all struggle with taking time off, he coached them through a practical and effective process that allows them to take time off with confidence that their business will not suffer as a result of their absence

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