Knowing and Playing by the Rules
There is so much to know about foreign trusts, estate and gift taxation that can barely scratch the surface in a white paper. The rules governing the legal structure of trusts and their associated obligations are complex, and some of these rules aren’t fully defined in the tax law. Many clients and even their trusted legal advisors, are simply unaware of the severity of noncompliance and the effects that foreign entities may have on reporting foreign trust activities. Failing to understand the rules results in significant penalties. This white paper offers a brief outline on foreign trust rules and reporting.

Jack Brister
- Managing member and founder of International Wealth Tax Advisors
- Over 30 years of experience in forensic accounting, international tax and tax law consulting
- Formed International Wealth Tax Advisors (IWTA) in 2015 after leading the international tax division at Deloitte and Touche
- Specialized in servicing international private clients, foreign businesses desiring to do business in the U.S., and individuals working and living abroad
- Consults extensively for global clients on the state and local tax implications arising when foreign businesses establish operations in the U.S or plan on selling their products to U.S. consumers
- Renowned in both the legal and accounting community as a preeminent expert on foreign trusts and estate taxation
- Former forensic accountant for U.S. Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Unit
- Frequently speaks and presents on international tax matters and is a regular contributor to JD Supra, the daily business-to-business publication for breaking news and expert information in legal, financial, business and tax news and compliance for the C Suite
- Member of STEP, NYSSCPA, and EACCNY; board member, Laura Pels International Foundation for Theater
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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