Wanting to help is appreciated, keeping ethical responsibilities in mind is an absolute.
One of the greatest attributes of attorneys is their willingness to give back to a community; whether through an ethical obligation or a personal self-drive to make communities better, attorneys seem willing to serve on non-profit boards. However, while the attorney may be willing to give back, there are ethical and practical considerations that the attorney must also consider. This white paper reviews the lawyer’s duties to the profession, as well as inadvertently creating an attorney/client relationship, remembering what ethical obligations they have to the corporate entity, as well as what duties they have by the mere fact they are an attorney.

David A. Firmin
Altitude Community Law
- Managing partner with the law firm of Altitude Community Law, P.C.
- Has an extensive background in real estate law and development issues including formation and creation of homeowners associations
- Formerly worked with Ryland Homes and K. Hovnanian Homes handling land acquisitions, land entitlements, corporate governance and special districts
- Worked with the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority and the Douglas County Housing Partnership setting up homeowner associations for low-income affordable housing developments
- Served on the CAI-RMC Spring Showcase Committee for multiple years, has been a presenter at the CAI – Law Seminar and is a current member of the CLAC

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