Research confirms that great employees leave because of their managers.
Although a departing employee will often tell you they are leaving for more money, research shows otherwise. In HR circles, there is even a saying for it: “People join companies and leave managers.” This does not mean that managers who lose good people are ineffectual jerks. On the contrary, the majority are competent professionals with good relationship skills. The problem is the majority of their time is devoted to dealing with each day’s unexpected developments and the problems created by the team’s mediocre players.

Mel Kleiman, CSP, CCM
Humetrics LLC
- Founder & President, Humetrics LLC
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of hourly employee recruiting, selection, and retention
- Has conducted hundreds of presentations and training programs over the past 20+ years
- Author of five books including the bestselling Hire Tough, Manage Easy
- Member of The Society for Human Resource Management, National Speakers Association
- Board member, National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation and the Workforce Institute
- Can be contacted at 713-771-4401, [email protected] or

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