May I Please Go to My Therapy Session?
The digitally-minded student requires a new approach. The optimal therapeutic setting is not the same for everyone. For students, the introduction of technology as part of the treatment plan can engage them to actively participate more. This white paper will provide you with various ways that technology is used with clients. Start using new techniques today.

Bruce M. Gale, Ph.D.
BehaviorTech Solutions Inc.
- Developer of LUNCH Groups®, (, an empirically-supported, transdiagnostic social skills intervention program for students with robust parent support showing an average 76% success rate based upon the past 10 years of data collection (Gale, Mazor, & Harrell, 2017); 1500 students treated to date; currently preparing a classroom-based series of interventions based upon this social learning model
- PENT leadership trainer and technology advisor since 2002 (, part of the California Positive Behavior Initiative designed to provide information and resources to achieve high educational outcomes through the use of proactive strategies
- Independent educational evaluator conducting psychoeducational and functional behavioral assessment for more than 65 school districts in California
- Experienced as an expert state and federal witness in special education, assessment, and behavioral treatment
- Recent publications: Developing/Running Transdiagnostic Social Skills Intervention Programs for Children & Adolescents, 2017; Technology and Delivery of Psychological Services, in Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 2015; journal article: Technology and Social Skills Treatment: A Decade of Lessons Learned, 2011; book chapter, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, in Draper & O’Donohue’s book, Stepped Care and e-Health, 2010
- Past division chair, media technology and communication, California Psychological Association
- Developer Rapid Interviewer™ a multirater online functional behavioral assessment and progress tracking instrument; Rapid Screener 2™, a universal screening tool; Progress Communicator®, an individualized behavior coaching and tracking tools for students; LUNCH Points™, a social learning theory-based home generalization program covering 80 potential behaviors; B-POSS, Behavior Plan Online Scoring System
- Certified as a nonpublic agency through the California Department of Education since 1996 and through various local regional centers since 1988
- National speaker who has presented seminars and workshops on ways to assess and treat students with ADHD, Asperger’s, disruptive behavior disorders, and social anxiety via effective and innovative behavior management strategies, presenter on running effective social skills programs
- Former chief psychologist and current Allied Health staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Member of the American Psychological Association, the California Psychological Association, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the Los Angeles County Psychological Association and Computer Using Educators
- Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in clinical psychology, Florida State University; internship and advanced fellowship Boston Children’s Hospital; fellow in psychology, Harvard Medical School
- Can be contacted at 818-788-2100, [email protected],, or

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