Learn current techniques and skills that are working in today's business environment.
Networking with other sales professionals that may be struggling with and trying to overcome the same problems as you are is how we all come up with new and fresh ideas that not only work, but that make you better in the process. Sometimes it just takes one useful tip to turn your response problems around and start getting the responses you hope for.

Mike Brooks
Mr. Inside Sales
- Founder and president of Mr. Inside Sales, a leading inside sales consulting and training firm located in Raleigh, North Carolina
- Bestselling author of books on inside sales and phone script development including: The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts
- Has been voted one of the most Influential Inside Sales Professionals by The American Association of Inside Sales Professionals seven years in a row
- As a V.P. of Sales in the financial and securities industry Mike developed a “Top 20% Training” program that doubled and then tripled sales in a two year period (from 27 million in revenue to over 112 million)
- His articles on sales and sales training have been published on blogs and sales sites throughout the world including “Eyes on Sales”, “SalesHQ”, "Sales Gravy”, etc.
- Look for his new book due out in July 2017, published by Wiley & Sons: Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word-for-Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales!!
- Can be contacted at 919- 267-4202, [email protected], or www.MrInsideSales.com

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