Under the new proposal, employers would have to report the number of employees by job category, ethnicity, race and gender that fall within 12 designated "pay bands" (e.g., $49,920 - $62,919). In addition, employers will report total hours worked. Information relating to hours worked will allow the agency to more accurately analyze any identified pay differences by taking into account when an employee may have worked part-time or for a partial year. It seems likely that EEOC will not require employers to submit hours worked for salaried employees, but the agency is currently soliciting comments on this issue. EEOC intends to use the pay data to "more effectively focus agency investigations, assess complaints of discrimination and identify existing pay disparities that may warrant further examination."
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Robert J. Simandl
von Briesen & Roper, s.c.
- Founding member and principal at Simandl Law Group, S.C.
- More than 25 years of experience advising clients on a wide range of employee benefit, labor and employment law issues
- Counsels employers on all aspects of workplace compliance responsibilities
- Served as an advisor to several legislators in drafting the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and served on the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Task Force
- Frequent speaker and has written numerous pubilcations
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Marquette University Law School; Undergraduate degree, with honors, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Can be contacted at 262-923-8651 or [email protected]

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