How high should you aim?
How far do you want to take your sales? Only you can answer that question but, more importantly, you must first ask yourself that question. Oftentimes salespeople are content with their sales goals but they are only looking at short-term goals and are missing out on setting long-term goals. This white paper discusses why it’s important to dream big and take stock in your sales career and make sure your future plans are clear.

Paul Cherry
Performance Based Results
- Founder and president of Performance Based Results (
- Worked with more than 1,200 clients including Johnson & Johnson, BlueCross, Philips, DOW, Hilton, Wells Fargo, US Department of Energy
- 92% of clients realize a 10 times return-on-investment
- Recognized as the leading authority on client engagement strategies, he wrote AMA-COM’s top selling sales book, Questions That Sell: The Powerful Process to Discover What Your Customer Really Wants and Questions That Get Results: Innovative Ideas Managers Can Use to Improve their Teams Performance (John Wiley)
- Wrote The Closer: Be the Successful Sales Pro: Steal the Lead, Seal the Deal
- Published more than 250 articles
- Featured in Investor’s Business Daily, Selling Power, Kiplinger's, and INC. magazine
- Can be contacted at 302-478-4443 or [email protected]

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