Pay close attention to the latest guidance.
Earlier this year the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor released 2019’s first three opinion letters of regarding the FMLA and FLSA. Employers should gain knowledge of their rights and their responsibilities from these opinion letters. This white paper reviews these letters and explains how employers can use them as a part of a good faith defense if need be.
John L. Litchfield
Foley & Lardner LLP
John Litchfield is a senior counsel and litigation attorney with Foley & Lardner LLP. His primary practice includes counseling clients on a wide range of employment-related matters, including disability accommodations, family and medical leave issues, wage and hour compliance, and other state and federal employment laws. Mr. Litchfield also counsels clients on the intricacies of the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008. He has represented employers in federal and state litigation matters relating to race and disability discrimination, FMLA claims, and harassment. Mr. Litchfield is a member of the firm’s Labor & Employment and Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practices.
Erik Kennelly
Foley & Lardner LLP
Erik Kennelly is an associate with Foley & Larder LLP. He is a member of the Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice. He is also a second lieutenant in the Army. While in law school, Mr. Kennelly was a summer associate at Foley. Additionally, he served as a law clerk for the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Employment Law Section. Prior to taking up law, Mr. Kennelly was a high school math teacher in St. Louis with Teach For America.

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