A tenant’s right to compensation may be governed by the lease.
When a land owner has property seized from them by the government under eminent domain, customarily the government should in turn compensate the owner for the value of the property that was taken. Be that as it may, when it comes to tenant or leaseholders of property they often find themselves in a quandary as to their rights or entitlement to compensation from the government. This white paper reviews how case law has helped determine who should be compensated in different scenarios.

Brandon C. Meadows, Esq.
Jimerson Birr, P.A.
- Attorney with Jimerson Birr
- Main area of practice is in real property litigation, commercial litigation, financial services litigation, business torts and creditors' rights, representing lenders, business owners and commercial creditors throughout the State of Florida and the Southeastern United States
- Currently represents regional and community lenders and financial institutions in matters ranging from complex loan workouts and commercial collections to lender liability disputes and loan participation issues
- Regular contributor and blog writer at Lexology (www.lexology.com) and Jimerson Birr(http://www.jimersonfirm.com/blog/category/florida-business-litigation)
- Currently licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and admitted in all federal district courts in Florida
- A member of and/or has volunteered and served various associations, committees, and professional and trade organizations, including but not limited to: The Florida Bar (Business Law Section); The Jacksonville Bar Association; The University of Florida, Law Alumni Council; The Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce; Chester Bedell Inn of Court
- J.D. degree, University of Florida Levin College of Law, where he served as executive editor of the Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, and as president of the University of Florida Trial Team
- Can be contacted at 904-389-0050 or [email protected] and website is http://www.jimersonfirm.com/attorneys/brandon-c-meadows/

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