Many of those that are new to debt collection don’t recognize risks of online debt collection.
The FDCPA and the FCRA don’t specifically talk about the “do’s and don’ts” of online debt collection … because when those laws were written, there was no Internet. Most debt collectors can use common sense but there are many things to think about when utilizing the Internet for your debt collections.

Michelle Dunn
Michelle Dunn Writer, LLC
- Founder of the Credit & Collections Association, LLC
- Called the nation's authority on collecting money
- 24 year debt collection industry veteran, entrepreneur, published columnist and award-winning writer
- One of the top 5 women in collections for 2007 and 2008
- One of the top 50 most influential collection professionals of 2007
- Writer of many books and a contributor to the Wall Street Journal
- Can be contacted at or

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