Increase positivity in the classroom and explore practical, effective strategies for reducing stress and conflict.
Remember that it's ok for children to have feelings without explaining or defending them; feelings are not behaviors and are never right or wrong. Adults don't need to protect others from a child's feelings, but they may need to intervene when hurtful behaviors occur. This white paper reviews supportive alternatives for dealing with children's problems and feelings; and offers alternatives to advice-giving when dealing with children.

Jane Bluestein
Instructional Support Services, LLC
Dr. Jane Bluestein
- President, Instructional Support Services, Inc.
- Dr. Bluestein specializes in solutions-oriented programs and resources designed to provide practical and meaningful information, training, and hope in areas related to relationship building, effective instruction and guidance, and personal growth and development, particularly with regard to relationships between adults and children (especially children at risk)
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on behavior management, classroom management, motivation, success orientation, emotionally safe schools, gratitude, and perfectionism
- Award-winning author of several publications including The Win-Win Classroom; Creating Emotionally Safe Schools; Managing 21st Century Classrooms; Mentors, Masters, and Mrs. MacGregor: Stories of Teachers Making a Difference; Parents, Teens and Boundaries; and The Perfection Deception: Why Trying to be Perfect is Sabotaging Your Relationships, Making You Sick, and Holding Your Happiness Hostage
- B.A., MAT, and Ph.D. degrees from University of Pittsburgh
- Can be contacted at 505-250-3965, [email protected], on Twitter® @janebluestein or on his website:

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