An environmental management system will help you to avoid concerns.
It will help you to establish management commitment to environmental and safety compliance, select personnel to manage the program, develop an environmental compliance and hazardous waste management system, coordinate with regulators, and develop an inspection and audit system. Download this white paper to find out how you can implement an environmental management system for your company.

Keith Warwick, PE
- President of PATTY & KEITH INC.
- Practice includes presenting seminars on engineering, environmental compliance and safety management; as well as performing construction progress management
- 34 years of civil, environmental and safety engineering experience
- Professor at Yuba College in Marysville California and instructor at the University of Washington, and has significant experience teaching engineering, safety and related subjects
- Conducted several hundred construction, environmental and safety walk-throughs and audits; author of Arcadia Publishing’s, California’s Highway 99: Modesto to Bakersfield
- Member of ASCE
- B.S. degree, civil engineering, U.C. Davis
- Can be contacted at 209-629-1883 or [email protected]

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