Can’t recall the last time you reviewed your standard terms? There's no time like the present.
You may have a well-established process for selling your widgets. And for years your standards terms have fit your needs. With the changes that are happening in today’s online world your terms might need a few modernized modifications to keep up with, and even put you ahead of, the e-commerce curve.
A. Benjamin Klaber
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
A. Benjamin Klaber practices on a Morgan Lewis team that counsels clients on technology, outsourcing, and commercial transactions, intellectual property matters, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, venture capital, and general corporate matters. Before law school, Benjamin was a quantitative analyst in the investment management industry after earning a B.S.E. in operations research and financial engineering. He is a member of the Emerging Leadership Board of the Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association.
Barbara Murphy Melby
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Barbara Melby has been active in the outsourcing and commercial transaction legal market for the last 20 years. As leader of the firm’s technology, outsourcing & commercial transactions practice, and one of the leaders of its privacy and cybersecurity practice, she represents clients in such complex transactions as outsourcing, strategic alliances, technology and data-related agreements, and other services transactions. She also advises businesses on privacy and security issues that arise in transactions involving sensitive data and technologies.

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