The Rise of the ‘Bond Alternative’
Performance and payment (P&P) bonds have traditionally been the most common method of managing risk in construction lending. But alternative and additional measures are increasingly popular. Although implementation of these measures is not consistent across the industry, they are widely recognized as good practice by various regulatory and government agencies.
The OCC’s Commercial Real Estate Lending handbook was updated in 2013 to better reflect the current state of play and now provides far more comprehensive guidance for construction loan procedures and risk management policies. According to the handbook, the following practices will allow lenders to proactively manage and mitigate risks:
• Careful scrutiny of the plans and budget by a qualified individual.
• Frequent and routine inspections, including inspection reports by architects or engineers who are independent of the borrower.
• Thorough investigations of the financial condition and reputation of the borrower, contractor, and subcontractors.
• Use of effective loan administration procedures.”
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Joseph (Joey) Bonin, Jr.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
- Atlanta-based principal at Partner Engineering and Science, Inc., headquartered in Torrance, CA
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of commercial real estate due diligence, but especially construction risk management and bond alternative programs
- Conducts regular seminars, webinars, and workshops on construction risk management to members of RMA, NAGGL, AAHOA, GLQC, FLAGGL, and other groups
- Involved in hospitality, multifamily, retail, office, restaurant, resort, condo, student housing, medical, senior living, golf course, marina, warehouse and other commercial construction projects throughout all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, American Samoa, and the Caribbean, including Grenada, Puerto Rico, and Antigua
- Member of RMA (Risk Management Association), NAGGL (National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders), AAHOA (Asian American Hotel Owners Association), GLQC (Georgia Lenders Quality Circle), FLAGGL (Florida Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders) and ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers)
- B.S. degree in accounting and M.S. degree in marketing, Louisiana State University
- Can be contacted at 404-852-3767 or [email protected]

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