Five practical ways.
Any attorney knows that when they are in front of the jurors, they aren’t just presenting their case; they are attempting to connect with the jurors, get them to relate to what is being said, and ultimately persuade them. Forming a connection with the jurors can be vital to winning the case. This white paper reviews behaviors that are used to specifically and explicitly build a relationship between the presenting attorney and the jurors.

Ken Broda-Bahm, Ph.D.
Persuasion Strategies
Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm is a senior litigation consultant with Persuasion Strategies and has provided research and strategic advice on several hundred cases across the country for the past 16 years, applying a doctorate in communication emphasizing the areas of legal persuasion and rhetoric. As a tenured Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Dr. Broda-Bahm has taught courses including legal communication, argumentation, persuasion, and research methods. He has trained and consulted in 19 countries around the world and is Past President of the American Society of Trial Consultants.

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