White Paper

Building a Winning Team Starts With Discovering Their Strengths

In today’s work world, having highly functioning teams is critical to organizational success. The synergistic relationships that are formed when teams work collaboratively and efficiently is key to organizations that are highly effective. Some years ago during my studies in management, I crafted a paper that expanded on the idea that our management structures would evolve to rely on teams to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. This, in fact, has occurred. Team management is widely used to facilitate organizational mergers and has been touted as the ultimate competitive advantage that can deliver excellent results.

A team technically defined is a collection of individuals organized to accomplish a common purpose, who are interdependent, and who can be identified by themselves and observers as a team.

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Larry Hammond, Sr. is a Partner in the office of V1H Consulting. He has more than 20 years of senior leadership, coaching, training and development experience. Mr. Hammond coaches leaders and managers in public and private industry around team building and culture development through StrengthsFinder application.

Irma Vargas is a Partner in the office of V1H Consulting. Her practice emphasizes all aspects of organizational communication, employee engagement. Ms. Vargas conducts regular seminars and workshops on leadership skills and employee development.



Irma Vargas

Irma Vargas

Vargas Girl Enterprise

  • 20 years of development, training, and facilitation of workshops for public and private sector organizations in employee engagement, customer service, diversity, establishing processes to mitigate discrimination, favoritism, leadership development, team building, and strategic planning
  • Coaches leaders and managers in public and private sector organizations around talent development through strengths-based methodologies
  • Organizations include CDC, California State Department of Public Health, Pasadena Public Health Department, El Rancho Unified School District, New Grace Community Church
  • M.P.A. Degree, California State University, Northridge, The Tseng College; B.A. Degree in English, Whittier College
  • 34 Strong Certified StrengthsFinder™ Coach
  • Can be contacted at [email protected]

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