Scores of Board decisions opine that employees may
The Board often selects isolated language from workplace rules for which there is no record evidence that have ever been applied, enforced or interpreted by employees as "chilling" the exercise of Section 7 rights. For employers, this presents a challenge in predicting which language in work rules, policies, and handbooks will next be targeted by the Board.
Harold P. Coxson
Ogletree, Deakins
Harold (Hal) Coxson is a shareholder at Ogletree Deakins. Mr. Coxson is a nationally recognized lawyer with over 35 years experience in all aspects of labor and employment law in Washington, DC. He is highly respected for his experience and expertise in government relations and as an advocate on behalf of business clients before Congress, the Executive Branch and independent federal regulatory agencies. He chairs the Firm’s Government Relations Practice Group and is a Principal in Ogletree Governmental Affairs, Inc., the Firm’s wholly-owned subsidiary.

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