What risk transfer product is right for your project?
In an ever-changing marketplace, it is critical to be aware of the multitude of risk financing products that are available and if they are a fit your particular situation. Selecting the best risk financing product should be a decision that is based on the risk level that the insured is willing to tolerate. This white paper reviews guaranteed cost, retrospective rated plans, deductible plans, captive programs and self-insurance programs.

Chris Conti
RiskWise Safety Consulting LLC
- Owner/President RiskWise
- Practice includes safety, insurance and claims
- RiskWise has many articles available to inform readers on OSHA safety, risk management topics and labor
- Member, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE); Society of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU); Committee Member of the Loss Control Section Society of CPCU
- Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP); associate in Loss Control Management (ALCM); Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU); associate in Risk Management (ARM); Certified Insurance Counselor
- B.S.B.A. degree; graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (formerly USL)
- Can be contacted at 225-413-7542 or [email protected]

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