Gain an understanding of these unique collection situations and what can be done to manage them.
A debtor can commit a fraudulent conveyance by transferring assets to a third party with the intent to prevent creditors from reaching the assets to satisfy their claims. When it comes to bad checks, each state has different laws concerning bad checks. Some states also have both criminal and civil bad check laws. This white paper will discuss how a collection law firm addresses and handles fraudulent conveyances and bad checks.
Lynda L. Laing
Strauss Factor Laing & Lyons
- Partner at Strasss Factor Laing & Lyons
- Practice areas include creditor rights and bankruptcy
- Regular speaker in the area of creditor rights
- J.D. degree, Case Western Reserve University; B.A. degree, Albion College
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 401-456-0700

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