Learn how to interpret a land survey description.
The land survey is an important part of real estate practice. Those involved should be knowledgeable of the survey process. With this knowledge, a thoroughly researched, accurate, and clear representation of the property can be achieved. Understanding and working with the surveyor can highlight potential problems so that they can be addressed before time and cost become more critical. This white paper reviews legal descriptions and survey limitations.

John M. Story, P.L.S.
Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc.
- Senior vice president and Charlotte branch manager of Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc.
- Professional land surveyor registered in North and South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia
- More than 43 years of experience with a varied and extensive background in boundary, topographic, construction, and as-built surveys in the commercial, governmental, and residential market
- Worked extensively with utility companies in coordinating right-of-way and design surveys, as well as industrial clients who require optical tooling
- Member of the North Carolina Society of Surveyors
- B.S. degree, Georgia Southwestern College (now Georgia Southwestern State University); B.C.E.T. degree, Southern Technical Institute (now Kennesaw State University)
- Can be contacted at 704-374-1955 or [email protected]

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