Jumping to conclusions about an employee's performance will get you nowhere.

Larry Johnson
Johnson Training Group LLC
- Johnson Training Group LLC
- In-demand speaker and organization culture expert
- Has presented more than 300 webinars for various clients and has delivered more than 2,000 presentations for association conferences, corporations, and government organizations, in-cluding SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management), Harley-Davidson, and Training Magazine 2020 Conference & Expo
- Co-author of two top-selling books, Absolute Honesty: Building a Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity and Generations Inc. — From Boomers to Link-sters — Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work
- Wrote for Huffington Post, has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Busi-ness Review, and has been interviewed on CNN
- Has written more than 200 published articles on the topic of improving organizational culture
- Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) from the National Speakers Association
- M.A. degree in counseling psychology, Northern Arizona University; B.A. degree, Arizona State University

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