Gain tips to help you unlock your future plans.
There are times in most people’s lives when there is uncertainty and mystery about the future. Whether it is personal relationships or professional projects and goals. This white paper reviews six tools to help you unlock your own future and discusses the technique behind the tools.

Janet A. Gregory
KickStart Alliance
- Co-founder and principal of KickStart Alliance
- Practice director, Sales Optimization
- Regular speaker at BMOE (Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship), PSU (Portland State University), SRI International (Stanford Research Institute), and others
- Co-wrote “Built for Global: Navigating International Business and Entering New Markets” in publication Fall/Winter 2016 on
- Contributor to KickStart Alliance blogs and articles
- Has held executive and leadership positions at innovative Silicon Valley companies such as ShoreTel, Latitude Communications, Octel and ROLM
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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