Every marketer knows that poor email deliverability can cause major revenue decline. What many marketers don’t realize, however, is that problems with deliverability mostly stem from issues with data quality. Getting your message into a user’s inbox is reliant on your domain’s Sender Score. If your score is low, your message is likely to be likely to be hidden in the spam folder. That important Sender Score number is built from quality data.
Don’t let your data quality compromise your email placement. Prevent poor data quality by understanding how good data goes bad and what to do to check your data before sending off your next email campaign. In this guide we cover how bots, typos, outdated data, and poor collection methods damage your data quality. Download this white paper and learn:
- Why your email campaign gets poor inbox delivery.
- How you acquire fictitious data.
- Why your methods of data collection could be the root cause of deliverability issues.

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