“Extemporaneous speaking may sound difficult and scary, but it's easier than you think. Known also as "off the cuff" or "impromptu" speaking, this is a skill that you already use without realizing it! If you've ever interviewed for a job, gone on a date, or have been asked for your opinion in a meeting, you've spoken extemporaneously. How can you improve your confidence and ability to speak on the fly? Try the following 5 tips:
#1: Don't Panic
It's true that the number one fear of humans is public speaking - yes, above spiders and even death. Hopefully you'll never find yourself on a stage full of poisonous spiders, but if it feels like you are whenever someone asks you a question, then you would benefit from some visualization and breathing.
If you're put on the spot out of the blue, take a deep breath and remind yourself that your opinion must matter, or you wouldn't be there. Visualize yourself as a calm, eloquent person, then begin speaking.
If you're heading to a situation where you know you'll have to speak at some point, then do your homework. What topics will come up?”
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Melanie Hope
Hope Speaking LLC
- Owner/Operator of StormKatt Productions LLC (writing/editing) and Hope Speaking (training/speaking)
- More than 20 years of experience in the corporate world in leadership and development
- Contracted with both private and public enterprises delivering live workshops throughout the world
- Written multiple books about leadership, communication, and writing
- Distinguished (highest) Toastmaster status; semi-finalist in the 2012 World Championship of Public Speaking
- Co-host of podcast and video channel CounterCultureWISE
- Professional editor and writer for multiple clients, including NPR
- B.A. degree in communications, University of Washington
- Can be contacted at [email protected], HopeSpeaking.com, Twitter® @hopespeaking, Facebook® facebook.com/hopespeakingllc, YouTube® youtube.com/hopespeaking, Pinterest® pinterest.com/hopespeaking, and LinkedIn® linkedin.com/in/hopespeaking

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