In my latest role, most of my skip level meetings were even more tricky because I was skipping across many layers or holding focus groups in other companies for which I was the client. There was the added fear that the reps would tell me something that their boss’s, boss’s, boss didn’t want me to know. And yet, I wanted to know it, so we could help. Tricky.”
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Karin Hurt is the CEO of Let’s Grow Leaders. She is a keynote speaker, leadership consultant and MBA professor. Ms. Hurt co-wrote Winning Well: A Manager’s Guide to Getting Results without Losing Your Soul. She was named on the American Management Association 2015 50 Leaders to Watch.

Karin Hurt
Let's Grow Leaders
- CEO of Let’s Grow Leaders
- Keynote speaker, leadership consultant and MBA professor
- Co-wrote Winning Well: A Manager’s Guide to Getting Results without Losing Your Soul
- Former Verizon Wireless executive with over two decades of experience in sales, marketing, customer service and human resources
- Developed a sales team ($1.5 B in revenue) that led the nation in store sales to the small and medium business space and winning the President’s award for Customer Growth
- Transformed customer service outsourcing (96M calls/year) to reach parity in quality with internal centers by building strong cultures that deliver positive customer experiences
- Named on the American Management Association 2015 50 Leaders to Watch
- Named on Inc’s list of 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference
- Named on Trust Across America’s 100 Thought Leaders in Trusted Business Behavior

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