What Is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware that denies the affected user access to his or her data, typically by encrypting it. Once the user’s data is encrypted, the hacker who launched the ransomware attack notifies him or her that, in order to obtain a key to decrypt the data, he or she must pay a ransom, often in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Hackers sometimes impersonate government entities – like the IRS or FBI – in their ransom notes.
Can I Just Pay The Ransom And Move On?
While it may be tempting to do so, there are serious risks to this approach. Even if the ransom demanded by a ransomware hacker is not prohibitively expensive, an organization victimized by an attack must bear in mind that simply paying off the hacker is unlikely to make its problems go away.
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Damon W. Silver, Esq. is an associate in the New York City office of Jackson Lewis P.C. He is a member of the firm’s Privacy e-Communication and Data Security Group. Mr. Silver has written several publications on topics relating to privacy and data security.
Damon W. Silver, Esq.
Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Associate in the New York City office of Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Member of the firm’s Privacy e-Communication and Data Security Group
- Wrote several publications on topics relating to privacy and data security
- J.D. degree, NYU School of Law
- Can be contacted at 212-545-4063 or [email protected]

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