From work environments to work-life balance it is important to figure out what millennials want.
Millennials want a collaborative work environment, and although they would prefer to be their own boss, the reality is that they can’t all be their own bosses. They are energized by having a boss that coaches and mentors them, and takes an interest in them, both personally and professionally. This video reviews how millennials handle work-life balance, how they find their sense of purpose, and what challenges them and encourages them to grow.

Nathan Regier, Ph.D.
Next Element Consulting, LLC
- Founder and CEO of Next Element Consulting, a global organizational culture consulting company
- Published four books about compassionate leadership and workplace culture
- Hosts a podcast called OnCompassion with Dr. Nate
- Certifying master trainer in the Process Communication Model
- Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology, University of Kansas
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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