Online social media hasn’t been around all that long but is an effective tool for your business.
There is a lot of noise out there as to what social media is. There are many different websites and products available and all of that can get quite confusing. Social media can also cause frustration trying to keep up with everything. Don’t chase the shiny new objects that are cropping up. Find out what social media options are and decide which works best for you.

Jason Blenker
Blenker Companies
- President of Blenker Building Systems, Inc., a wood framed structural building component manufacturer serving the Midwest
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics within the construction industry including business building, social media, and construction best practices
- Active member in the National Association of Home Builders, Associated Builders and Contractors, and the Structural Building Component Association
- Graduate of University of Wisconsin – Stout, with a B.S. in construction and a minor in business
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 715-824-5665, Twitter® @jasonblenker,, or

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