There are subtleties to evidence that may be used at trial.
There is a difference between substantive evidence and evidence that will be used for impeachment. It is entirely possible that impeachment evidence will not be used at trial because the witness, even though they have been listed for testimony, may not actually be proffered at the trial. In terms of the disclosures that are required under the rules the disclosure has to do with information that you expect to use or may use substantively as part of your case. This video compares impeachment versus may use evidence; and reviews details on witnesses and exhibits.

Steven C. Bennett
Scarola Zubatov Schaffzin PLLC
- Partner in the law firm of Scarola Zubatov Schaffzin PLLC, New York City
- Practice focused on commercial litigation
- Adjunct professor, Hofstra Law School, e-discovery procedure
- Former co-chair, New York State Bar Association, E-discovery Committee
- J.D. degree, New York University School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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