Learn a best practice tip when faced with an accidental project manager.
This video is #4 in the Top 5 causes of project failure and best practices to avoid them. Businesses run on projects and if projects aren’t going well a business may not succeed. Despite the importance of projects many organizations still appoint accidental project managers. This video reviews best practices for strengthening project management while eliminating accidental project management assignments.

Ray W. Frohnhoefer, MBA, PMP, CCP
PPC Group, LLC
- Managing Partner, PPC Group, LLC
- Focuses on publications, courses, and consulting for new and accidental project managers
- San Diego-based educator and trainer and international project management speaker
- Author of three Amazon international bestsellers on business project management
- Lead Inventor, Siebel Quick Estimating Tool (Patent us 7,801,834 B2)
- Member of Project Management Institute (PMP #227656)
- M.B.A. degree in technology management; B.S. degree in mathematics/computer science
- Graduate, Project Management Institute’s Leadership Institute Masters Class
- Can be contacted at 760-685-2197 or [email protected]

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