Changes impose new limits on deductions for fringe benefits.
New IRC §274(a)(1) denies any deduction for business entertainment expenses, with only limited exceptions. Before TCJA 2017, deductions for business?related entertainment had been limited to 50%, same as business meals. This video reviews the changes made to meals and transportation benefits and entertainment benefits.

Luke D. Bailey
Clark Hill PLC
- Senior Counsel in the Collin County, TX office of Clark Hill PLC
- Practices in all aspects of employee benefits and executive compensation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous employee benefits and executive compensation issues
- Author of numerous articles related to the areas of employee benefits and executive compensation
- J.D. degree, Order of the Coif, University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall); A.B. degree, cum laude, Occidental College
- Can be contacted at 214-651-4572 or [email protected]

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